Saturday, August 8, 2009

Shocker: Infanticide Proponent Promotes Manner to Ration Obamacare

When you hear that "a panel of government bureaucrats" will help find cost savings in nationalized health care, be very in-tune to what that means: The government decides who gets care and who doesn't.

Don't believe me? Read on.

Peter Singer is a professor at Princeton University who loves the thought of Obamacare. He is advocated a certain rationing system in the New York Times Magazine on July 19 in which he is advocating use of a "Quality Adjusted Life Year" to determine when and to whom to deliver care.

After reading the article, imagine having a group of 20 similar folks inside the US government on a "blue ribbon panel" deciding who gets care and when.

As an aside, Singer has some other interesting views. Below are a few of his out takes from a 1999 NOVA program on PBS.

  • "A human being doesn't have value simply in virtue of being a human; that is, just belonging to the species "Homo sapiens" isn't enough."
  • "In my view, if that decision is justified -- and I think it can be -- then with the consent and support of the parents, and only then, I think it would be justifiable to help that infant to die; in other words, to take active steps to end that infant's life more swiftly and more humanely."
  • "Some of these issues that I've talked about that have been controversial really all stem from this idea that we should reduce the amount of suffering in the world if we can do so."

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