Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bullhorn: Points to Convey to your US Representatives

Don't like the current health care legislation? Contact your US House and Senate reps, and feel free to use these talking points to tell them where you stand.

President Obama's health plan would put government bureaucrats in charge of my health care.

I reject his plan.

I want to make my own choice of medical professionals.

I want my doctor to decide when and what care I need, not a government bureaucrat.

Government run health care may well lead to rationing of care for senior citizens and long waits for treatment for everyone, just as it has in Canada.

It is time for Washington politicians to listen to the people and refuse to pass government run health care.

One size does not fit all when it comes to health care for Americans.

As my elected representative, I demand that you protect my right to choose my doctors and care by refusing to expand government run health care.

I am tracking your votes and I promise I will vote against you at the next opportunity if you support the Washington bureaucracy by passing President Obama's health care bill.

More details here

1 comment:

  1. Couple of thoughts, in 2010, lets have a "vote of no confidence", "VNO" or "Throw the Rascals out", "TRO", in reference to members of both houses of congress. Question, why do we need congress, they don't read the bills they sponsor, their staff do. So, hire better staff, eliminate congress, look at the money we could save.
