Friday, July 24, 2009

Columninst says Dems mandating taxpayer funded abortions like "taking a knife to your own supporters "

"... Some of the bills being worked on in Congress will allow for or mandate taxpayer funding of abortion. Speaking only and narrowly in political terms, this is so ignorant as to be astounding. A good portion of the support for national health care comes from a sort of European Christian Democrat spirit of community, of “We are all in this together.” This spirit potentially unites Democrats, leftists, some Republicans and GOP populists, the politically unaffiliated and those of whatever view with low incomes. But putting abortion in the mix takes the Christian out of Christian Democrat. It breaks and jangles the coalition, telling those who believe abortion is evil that they not only have to accept its legality but now have to pay for it in a brand new plan, for which they’ll be more highly taxed. This is taking a knife to your own supporters."
--Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, July 24th

It's official. Plan to allow for tax payer funded abortions. Story from August 5, 2009.

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