Saturday, July 18, 2009

8 Democrats on House Committee who Can Kill Pending Medical Insurance Legislation


UPDATE: President Obama Lobbying this Committee on 7/22 in Emergency Meeting.
As of 7/23, Blue Dogs said to be "flexing muscle"

There are EIGHT "Blue Dog Democrats" who sit on the Energy and Commerce Committee. If these eight Democrats do not support the legislation, passage would likely not succeed. They will depate this legislation in committee the week of July 20 and vote on its passage by July 24. It is CRITICAL to contact them TODAY and make your voice heard. Sample letter with talking points below.
John Barrow (GA-12) p: (202) 225-2823, f: (202) 225-3377, email
Bart Gordon (TN-06) p: (202) 225-4231, f: (202) 225-6887, email
Baron Hill (IN-09) p: (202) 225-5315, f: (202) 226-6866,
Jane Harman (CA-36) p: (202) 225-8220, f: (202) 226-7290, email
Jim Matheson (UT-02) p: (202) 225-3011, f: (202) 225-5638, email
Charlie Melancon (LA-03) p: (202) 225-4031, f: (202) 226-3944, email
Mike Ross (AR-04) p: (202) 225-3772, f: (202) 225-1314, email
Zack Space (OH-18) p: (202) 225-6265, f: (202) 225-3394, email

Wall Street Journal Article on this issue here

Sample Letter to Use Below. Customize to meet your needs and situation:

Representative Zack Space (OH-18)
Energy and Commerce Committee
Sent via fax: (202) 225-3394

Dear Representative Space:

I need you and other members of the Energy and Commerce Committee to squash the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 now. I realize President Obama is lobbying with you directly to encourage you to pass it along to the House for a full vote, but I implore you to stop this right now. I reject this plan.

Please consider the following:

1. According to the Congressional Budget Office, this legislation will continue to increase our federal deficit. I my home or company budget by spending money I do not have. The government should do the same.

2. I keep control of my medical premiums by purchasing a consumer-driven, high-deductible plan with a Health Savings Account from my employer. If I didn’t have one through my employer, I would easily buy one on the market directly. This is affordable for me. It costs me less per year than my homeowners and auto insurance. I do not need a government option and I certainly do not need to be forced onto a government plan should I wish to leave my current employer.

3. President Obama's health plan would put government bureaucrats in charge of my health care. I want my medical decision to be between my and my doctor, without the government.

4. Small companies are going to get the target for the increase costs of this program, in the form of taxes and penalties. I cannot stand by idly and allow yet another tax to impact the fiscal performance, profitability of the companies that will hire folks such as myself. There are rumors that the “pre-tax” status of my employees’ medical premiums will be erased under this plan. This is an outrage. Not only will this increase state and federal payroll tax burden of these employers, it will also reduce my take-home pay. This is shameful.

5. Your colleague Rep. Wally Herger, R-Calif. was recently quoted in an AP article as saying … "We shouldn't have to resurrect the 1970s to remember that when tax rates go too high, people lose the incentive to build new businesses and create jobs.” As a believer in our capital systems, I couldn’t agree more.

Please understand the ramifications of this bill and vote “NO” to HR 3200 and ask your fellow members of the Energy and Commerce Committee to do the same. I am tracking your votes and I promise I do what I can to have your constituents vote against you at the next opportunity if you support the Washington bureaucracy by passing President Obama's health care bill.

You have a chance to sop this thing now. I need you to act.


  1. I sent my letters in to 5 of the eight on 7/21. I will get the other three out tomorrow morning.

  2. Thanks for posting the email addresses. All have been sent using some of your bullet points.
