Friday, September 18, 2009

Left Leaning National Organization for Women (NOW) Doesn't Like Senate Bill

Oppose Senate Finance Committee Health Care Bill

Baucus Bill is Profit-Driven Insurance Industry Dream

Your voice is urgently required!

The long-awaited Senate Finance Committee health care reform bill unveiled this week has many deficient and undesirable provisions and it must be opposed. First and most important, the legislation does NOT contain a public option -- and, as a result, there is no effective mechanism to stimulate competition and control escalating health care costs. There is no mandate for employers to provide health insurance. Everyone will be required to get their own costly insurance and, failing that, they will be assessed a stiff penalty. Essentially, the same factors that have caused health care costs to rise at four times the rate of wages are left in place. This is not reform!

Action Needed:

For those reasons and many other burdensome and costly features, as well as ideology-driven restrictions on women's reproductive health care, the Senate Finance Committee bill must be stopped. Send a message to your senators right away to oppose this legislation.

From NOW National Action Center's "Action Alert", September 18, 2009

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