Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 13 new taxes Nancy Pelosi wants to steal from our pay checks:

Just in time for your Halloween weekend reading, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Democrats just shat out their 1,990-page health care/budget busting “reform” bill.

Thankfully, the fine folks over at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) have gone through it (so you don’t have to) and have pointed out the 13 new taxes that will be foisted upon American tax payers .

  1. Employer Mandate Excise Tax
  2. Individual Mandate Surtax
  3. Medicine Cabinet Tax
  4. Cap on FSAs
  5. Increased Additional Tax on Non-Qualified HSA Distributions
  6. Denial of Tax Deduction for Employer Health Plans Coordinating with Medicare Part D
  7. Surtax on Individuals and Small Businesses
  8. Excise Tax on Medical Devices
  9. Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting
  10. Delay in Worldwide Allocation of Interest
  11. Limitation on Tax Treaty Benefits for Certain Payments
  12. Codification of the “Economic Substance Doctrine”
  13. Application of “More Likely Than Not” Rule

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