Sunday, November 29, 2009

Poll: Americans no longer believe in health 'crisis'

49% of Americans now rate the quality of the U.S. health-care system as good or excellent, to only 27% percent that still argue it's poor.**

** The favorable numbers reflect a 20-point jump from prior to the presidential election, when a June 2008 Rasmussen poll showed only 29 percent rated the health-care system so well and 37 percent rated it poor.

While a majority of those under 30 favor the plan, a majority in all other age groups are opposed. Among senior citizens the disparity is 34 percent in favor to 60 percent opposed.

Proponents of federal health-care legislation have also lost support among moderates, as 70 percent of unaffiliated voters now stand in opposition. By comparison, 83 percent of Republicans also oppose the plan, while most of the support comes from the 73 percent of Democrats who favor it.

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