Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Insurance Companies are now the Problem, says Dems.

Before the government seized the financial and auto industries, they demonized leadership and their earnings in both industries. Next up: The health insurance industry? The tactics remain the same. We have seen this before. Attack private industry and then seize it.

Earlier on this summer, it was "healthcare" reform. That got a lof of blowback from the general public. Now, they are turning it into "health insurance" reform and thus begins a witchhunt into the business operations -- and salaries of private citizens -- of the health insurance industry.

While companies are not under legal obligation to comply, the committee could respond to a refusal by voting to subpoena the information at a later date.

By the way, this request is from the same group of Congressman who wanted to have taxpayers spend more that $550 million to get them a few new Gulfstream jets to fly them around the country.

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